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Research shows retail financial leaders want cash automation. Why?

In today's fast-paced retail environment, managing cash efficiently has become a critical challenge for businesses of all sizes. Recent research indicates that retail financial leaders are increasingly turning to cash automation solutions to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance security. But what are the reasons behind this growing trend and the benefits of implementing retail cash automation systems?

The Rising Cost of Traditional Cash Handling

The cost of traditional retail cash handling is steadily increasing. Today’s costs include various aspects of cash management, including handling, reporting, reconciliation, and losses. Together, those expenses can reach 4.7% to 15% of a retailer’s total cash transactions. So, every $100 loses around $4.70. Often, these expenses are hidden within management or supervisory roles or absorbed into corporate operations, making them less visible but no less impactful on the bottom line.

Popular hype says this isn’t a big deal because consumers are ditching cash anyway. But that’s not even close to the truth.

Contrary to earlier predictions suggesting a decline in cash usage, recent economic conditions have led to a resurgence in cash transactions. Forecasts anticipated U.S. cash use to drop from 16% in 2020 to 11% or less by 2022. Instead, there was a spike to 20% in 2021 and a level-out back to 16% in 2023, according to the Federal Reserve. Overall, cash is still the third most popular form of payment.

Interestingly, even the tech-savvy Generation Z reports increased cash usage compared to previous years, underscoring the continued relevance of physical currency in retail transactions.

Enhancing Security and Reducing Losses

A significant improvement in security is one of the primary reasons retail financial leaders are embracing cash automation. By minimizing hands-on cash handling, these systems reduce both the opportunity and temptation for theft, addressing a major concern in retail cash management.

In addition to shrink, human error accounts for approximately 16% of cash losses in retail environments. Cash automation systems reduce this issue by providing more accurate counting and reporting capabilities, ensuring correct deposits and more precise change orders. This level of accuracy helps prevent miscounts in daily register funds and deposits. It also reduces the risk of over-ordering or under-ordering specific denominations for change, further optimizing cash flow management.

Furthermore, advanced cash automation solutions offer better tracking of in-store cash, providing real-time visibility into cash levels and movements. Coupled with more secure storage options, such as smart safes and cash recyclers, and improved transportation methods through armored carrier services, these systems significantly reduce the risk of internal and external cash loss.

Cutting Labor Costs and Improving Productivity

A recent survey by Yooz revealed that 35% of financial decision-makers plan to focus on enhancing productivity over the next 12 months. Cash automation plays a crucial role in achieving this goal by freeing up valuable time for managers who traditionally bear the brunt of cash handling and reporting responsibilities.

Automating cash management tasks such as counting registers, preparing cash deposits, and pulling reports frees up management and employee time. Employees can then redirect their efforts toward improving customer service and facility care. Meanwhile, management can focus on more strategic activities. The time saved through automation translates directly into increased productivity and better utilization of human resources.

Automated reporting is another significant advantage of cash automation systems. These solutions offer faster reconciliation processes and provide better insights into actual cash flow. Improved data accuracy, a key factor for 40% of businesses evaluating finance automation, leads to easier reconciliation of books and smoother internal audits.

Moreover, cash automation enables retailers to streamline and implement standardized cash management policies across their operations. This consistency improves efficiency and ensures compliance with regulatory standards and internal controls.

Streamlining Banking Relationships

For many retailers, especially those with multiple locations, managing banking relationships can be a complex and time-consuming task. It's not uncommon for convenience stores, grocery chains, and other retail businesses to maintain multiple bank accounts across 20-30 different banks to handle deposits and fill change orders for individual stores. In fact, few retailers with more than ten locations have a single bank relationship.

Cash automation offers a solution to this challenge by enabling businesses to streamline and consolidate their banking relationships. By centralizing cash management through the CFO, treasury, and controllers, retailers can significantly reduce the number of banking relationships required to meet cash deposit and change needs for each location.

This consolidation simplifies financial operations while providing better oversight and control over cash management processes. It allows for more efficient cash forecasting, improved liquidity management, and the potential for better negotiating power with banking partners.

Why Convert to Cash Automation?

Retail finance leaders are recognizing the value of cash automation in addressing the challenges of modern retail cash management. The benefits of implementing these systems extend far beyond mere cost reduction, although that remains a significant factor.

Cash automation reduces cash management costs by minimizing losses due to theft and human error. It streamlines cash management processes within the business, improving efficiency and productivity. They also help meet compliance and regulatory standards more easily, reducing the risk of penalties and reputational damage.

Perhaps most importantly, cash automation saves time and money by freeing up staff to focus on more value-added activities. As retail continues to evolve in an increasingly digital world, the ability to manage physical cash efficiently and securely remains crucial for business success.

In conclusion, the adoption of retail cash automation solutions represents a strategic investment for forward-thinking retail financial leaders. By embracing these technologies, businesses can optimize their cash management processes, reduce operational costs, and position themselves for greater financial success in an ever-competitive retail landscape.

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TLDR: Retail financial leaders are struggling to find ways to reduce the costs, time, and risks of accepting cash at the point of sale. Cash automation such as smart safe and cash recycling programs are key in helping them battle these ballooning concerns.